1990 Pro Set Football Team Set - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS w/ Junior Seau RC

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1990 Pro Set Football Team Set - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS w/ Junior Seau RC

INV ID: 153973

1990 Pro Set - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS w/ Junior Seau RC
276 Marion Butts
277 Gill Byrd
278 Vencie Glenn
279 Burt Grossman
280 Gary Plummer
281 Billy Ray Smith
282 Billy Joe Tolliver
283 Dan Henning CO
356 Anthony Miller PB
364 Leslie O'Neal PB
376 Lee Williams PB
627 Rod Bernstine TE
628 Courtney Hall
629 Ronnie Harmon
630 Anthony Miller
631 Joe Phillips RC
632 Leslie O'Neal
633 David Richards RC
634 Mark Vlasic
635 Lee Williams
673 Junior Seau RC
749 Quinn Early
774 Frank Cornish

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