Team Sets (104780)
> Baseball (83627)
> Boston Red Sox (3439)
> 1990 to 1999 (668)
> 1997 (57)
Teams (1)
> Baseball (11)
> Boston Red Sox (267)
> 1990 to 1999 (91)
> 1997 (7)
Boston Red Sox Team Set
This is a special Hobby Wax Parallel of Score first Series.
1997 Score Premium Stock - RED SOX
57 Wil Cordero
93 Mo Vaughn
101 John Valentin
110 Reggie Jefferson
119 Tom Gordon
164 Mike Stanley
170 Jose Canseco
181 Roger Clemens
188 Darren Bragg
196 Tim Naehring
200 Jeff Frye
210 Jeff Suppan
226 Mike Greenwell
251 Troy O'Leary
312 Arquimedez Pozo
This is a special Hobby Wax Parallel of Score first Series.